Archaeological Monitoring and Excavation
Archaeological Monitoring and ExcavationIn those instances where the archaeological potential of a proposed development remains significant such as falling within a designated "Area of Archaeological Potential" the requirement for a qualified archaeologist to be retained to monitor primary groundworks at the site will become conditional upon granting of planning permission.
We will provide you with fully qualified Department Of Envirnment: Historic Environment Division (DOE:HED)/ Department of Environment Heritage and Local Goverment licensed archaeologists who will monitor ground disturbance works with the aim to identifying newly uncovered archaeological deposits. While the preferred mitigation strategy upon discovery of archaeological deposits is preservation in situ, both as a means to preserve the remains for future record and as a means of keeping the archaeological cost of a project to a minimum, archaeological excavation may be the only option available. FarrimondMacManus Ltd employ a team of fully qualified and experienced archaeologists to ensure excavation is carried out in a quick and efficient manner and to professional standards. We have extensive experience and a high level of expertise in providing a well developed and targeted excavation strategy aimed at integrating the archaeological process onto the tight development framework. It is policy of FarrimondMacManus Ltd that there is a clear channel of communication between archaeologist and client at this sensitive stage of archaeological involvement in order to ensure minimal disturbance to the project timetable and appropriate deployment of archaeological resources. |