The scan survey was carried out over a period of 1 working day allowing for minimal machine downtime to achieve the necessary level of recording, something which would traditionally have taken several days with manual measurements and hand drawing. The scan was carried out with a Leica C10 scanner at medium resolution with full colour imagery recorded through the on board camera. Of particular interest was the remains of some of the old machinery which ran from where the water wheel once stood at the north gable end of the building towards the south end of the building.
The scan data was also exported and brought into Autodesk ReCap 360 for collaborative sharing with the project team. ReCap allows the scan data to be presented in a format that doesn't require propriety manufacturers software to share, visualise and interrogate the data. We are particularly excited about the ability to share these types of projects publicly online. Follow the link below and take a tour around this historic mill buildings, where you can even still see some of the mill machinery intact and in place!